Treatment And Adjusting Techniques
Chiropractic Adjustments are very specific manipulations of the spine, to realign the vertebra and take pressure off the pinched nerve.
Chiropractors are the only profession licensed to perform spinal manipulation. Osteopaths are also licensed, but most don't practice it routinely. Therefore, Physical Therapist and Massage Therapist are NOT allowed to do spinal manipulation.
Also you should NOT "crack or pop" your own back, allow your friends to "pop" your back, or have your kids walk on your back, because you could potentially make it worse or cause hypermobility of the joint if it is done too often.
Treatment may also include physical therapy modalities such as:
1. Stretching Programs
2. Massage Tables
3. Traction Tables
4. Exercise/Rehabilitation Programs
5. TENS Electrical Stimulation Units
6. Spinal Health Care Class
Adjustments of the spine are very Gentle, to relieve the pressure on the nerve causing the pain. Dr. Wong's adjustments are gentle enough to adjust this 10 year old child! Now that is a sign of good technique and skill. He is also big enough to adjust the biggest body types.